Friday, February 18, 2011

back in the saddle again

Where oh where has the time gone? It's been a while since I've been able to blog, but here I am... once again!....

The house is coming along!!! All we have left is the flooring, and the siding, and hanging our range hood! It's still a shock to me and I'm sure it wont set in for a while, but I'm SO EXCITED to have our own house!!! Everyone's worked so hard on it, thank heavens for family!

Calvin is growing growing growing!!! It's so fun to see his discoveries every day and what he likes and doesn't like. I'm afraid him and Wyatt are going to be double trouble. Calvin is trying to crawl and is scooting, but after a while he gets frustrated and starts to scream, that is where Wyatt becomes the big helper and goes behind him and pushes his butt, until he frog hops!! :) They are so so cute together. Wyatt is very protective of Calvin and makes sure when they are around each other that no one bugs him. It's cute!
Kyle and I are doing good. Kyle had a bout of kidney stones the beginning of the year and is recovered from that. The urologist is worried about his glands, and wants us to follow up with a gland specialist to see why his are taking all the calcium out of his body and bones and disguarding it in his urine. So we'll see what that brings us.

I'm hoping for spring to come, I'm ready to be outside and get rid of the sickness that seems to be going around. We'll see how fast it comes.... here are a few pictures from lately.


  1. Yay for new houses and super cute pictures and kissable cheeks. Miss you! Love you!

  2. So excited for your new house!! It will be fun to hear when you are moving in!! Your baby boy is growing up too fast!! I still love his cheeks and his big adorable eyes. What a cute little boy. Sorry about Kyle though. That's so rough. Hope it all goes well for him.
