I can't believe that Mr. C is two months old already! He's growing so quickly! I just love every minute I get to be with him! He went in for a check-up today and to get his first dose of shots, we found out that he is 12 pounds 9 ounces and 24 1/2 inches tall! Such a big boy! He's so cute, I'm not bias or anything, but I really think he is looking more and more like his dad!
I just love his cheeks, they get smothered with kisses ALL the time!
So cute folding his hands after tummy time
Not quite sure what he's thinking but it MUST be very thoughtful lol he's always pulling out his binki then holding onto the holder or the binki itself so that its not too far, he squeels when he's ready for it to be put back into his mouth though. You can see his binki indentations :)